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Stay Safe When Working With Flavorings

senior inspector at food plant inspecting safe flavorings

Stay Safe When Working With Flavorings

As a manufacturer of food products, it’s important to stay safe because you can come into contact with many different ingredients and flavorings. Even though some chemicals you work with are safe to eat, they can cause eye, lung, or skin disease if you are not properly protected while you are touching or working around them. It is important to understand your risk and follow certain guidelines to keep yourself healthy.

Hazardous Chemicals

There are safe and unsafe chemicals found in flavorings—especially dairy, alcohol, fruit, brown, and other flavorings—that may be dangerous to your health. These chemicals include:

  • Diacetyl
  • Acetyl propionyl
  • Acetoin
  • Acetaldehyde
  • Acetic acid
  • Chlorine
  • Ammonia
  • Diacetyl trimer

Safety Data Sheets

If you would like to stay safe and learn more information about any of these potentially dangerous chemicals and flavorings, check your Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on file that contains information about the known health hazards associated with each chemical and the specific personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to protect you from these hazards.

Personal Protective Equipment

To be sure that you are not putting your health at risk and staying safe when you’re working with certain chemicals and flavorings wear your PPE, which may include a respirator, eye protection, and gloves. When wearing your PPE, keep the following points in mind:

  • The respirator must fit properly to be effective.
  • Goggles should be appropriate for the job and should fit properly.
  • Gloves should be made of butyl rubber and shouldn’t show any signs of wear and tear.

Be Aware

There have been workers in several factories that did not handle these chemicals and flavorings safely that have been diagnosed with a rare and serious lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans, and others have contracted other types of lung diseases. Many workers experience irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. If you notice the following symptoms of illness, let your supervisor know immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent, dry cough
  • Wheezing
  • Fatigue
  • Itchy, irritated eyes
  • Skin rash or irritation

To be sure you are safe, your supervisor may ask you to see a doctor, who will help determine whether there are additional steps you can take to stay healthy at work.

Talk to Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the substances you handle or come into contact with on the job, do not hesitate to talk to your supervisor. Your health and safety is our first priority.



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