Manufacturing Safety Matters: Portable Grinders

Provided by: Three Sixty Safety Portable Grinders Portable grinders (e.g., angle grinders, handheld grinders and portable abrasive wheels) are common tools in manufacturing that allow employees to grind, cut, polish and buff materials. When working with portable grinders, employees need to consider a number of risks. For instance, portable grinders can cause severe lacerations or […]
Safety Matters: The Importance of Safety Belts

Provided by: Three Sixty Safety The Importance of Safety Belts Not using a seat belt can be very dangerous. You may have incorrect information or assumptions about seat belts. Consider the following myths and facts regarding seat belts and the consequences of not buckling up. Myth: There is no compelling reason to buckle up. If […]
Safety Matters: Preventing Workplace Violence

Provided by: Three Sixty Safety Preventing Workplace Violence While shocking and tragic, it is unlikely that violence will end with this unfortunate event. Instead, it serves as a reminder of the possible consequences of unchecked violent behavior in the workplace. Anytime tempers flare or aggressive behavior is not addressed, the risk of violence increases. It […]
Safe Guard Everything!

Provided by: Three Sixty Safety SOME OF YOUR WORKERS ARE HIGH! With the legalization of marijuana many employers are faced with workers being high on the job. The traditional smell of marijuana that would have tipped you off in the past is no longer an obstacle for workers that get high. This is due to […]